Lucky Number 28


This week my 28th birthday is upon me. I’ve truly never felt better and I’m looking forward to starting another year on a strong and healthy note. This past year has been filled with a lot of change for me and as I reflect back I don’t look to the past with any regret, I feel nothing but happiness when I look at my present self and I am nothing but excited for the future and what this next year has to hold for me. Really, for the first time in my life I am exactly who I want to be, and headed in the exact direction I want to be going. It is the best feeling! I can already tell 28 is going to be one helluva year.

There is no better self-given gift that a trip to Nordstrom to the gym (after all, our health is a gift) so to treat myself to a birthday themed sweatfest I plan on doing the workout below, timed to take 28-minutes and developed to kick my butt into shape so I can have my (birthday) cake and eat it too. This is designed to be quick circuit workout organized with upper body, lower body and cardio based exercises, and the goal is not to rest in between exercises. One minute of each exercise will burn out the targeted muscle group as well as increase your heart rate to burn calories. It’s not your birthday this week most likely, but who cares?! Do this one with me by picking a set of weights that pushes you just outside your comfort zone.

This year I’m really looking forward to raising a glass to a good life, love and happiness and celebrating with the best group of girlfriends a gal could ask for.


Image via: Flickr

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  1. I made the picture board, wahooo! Proud of you Kate. It has been one amazing year and yes you are right, you’re in the best place you’ve ever been. To the future and you.. Cheers (with champagne)!